The Crescent Acupuncture Clinic
May flower
A little advice
You are advised to eat a light snack before you come for treatment, Do not rush and give yourself plenty of time. If possible get someone to drive you. Acupuncture often makes you feel quite relaxed after treatment. When you get home drink plenty of warm water and try to do very little. This is to allow the body time to restore itself and give the treatment it’s maximum potential.

If you are on any medications please bring a list of these with you at your first appointment. You may wish your GP to know that you are having acupuncture. The Crescent Acupuncture Clinic encourages good relationships between practitioners of allopathic medicine (GP’s etc.) and integrated medicine (Osteopaths, Acupuncturists etc.). If you wish, we will write to your GP or specialist to keep them up to date with your treatments.

Home visits also available on request.

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